Role of the Cystic Fibrosis Specialist Nurse
- Part of the multi-disciplinary team but his/her role acts as a link between the team members and the patient as often she/he is first port of call.
- Good communication between the multidisciplinary team, patients and families as problems are often resolved more easily if pathways of communication are well established for all parties.
- There are great demands on the patient and team therefore the patient and family advocacy is the most important role for the nurse specialist.
- nvolved in the decision making ensuring each patient receives optimum care and acting as a link between patient and family, community services and hospital multidisciplinary team.
- Part of the genetic screening process providing support and education.
- Providing education for parents and patients as there are many treatment regimes that have to be learnt throughout the patient’s life. Successful teaching of the patient and all concerned (parent, carer, school and work colleagues) and their understanding of the disease process will ensure that treatment is carried out safely and effectively and any issues surrounding adherence to treatment can be dealt with.
- Facilitating home iv service.
- Linking in with other speciality’s as needed diabetes, liver disease, neurology, gastroenterology, Cancer, rheumatology, pain team ,Palliative care.
- Education and research is an important part of the CF nurse’s role in developing own professional practice and keeping up to date with new advances in treatment and new development in the world of CF.- The wards also have link nurses to act as information gatherers for both the CF Team and the wards.